Tuesday 6 October 2015

Optimum conditions

4th October Skype call discussion

Interesting thoughts based around what we perceive to be the optimum conditions to produce 'good work' and the notion that it is sometimes the challenges that steer the work, allowing the work to be more interesting than the original idea.

It was only last term that as I juggled with absenteeism, knowing that I had a deadline to complete my choreography. I decided to embrace the challenges and view them as opportunities. I don't think I have ever approached my work/job in this way so concretely before but the process for me was really rewarding.  Instead of concerning myself with who was not there and what I had originally planned to do, I instead, allowed what I had perceived as a negative and turned it into an opportunity to create something new and without judgement. ( I am making this sound really easy and I don't want to mislead you).  I feel that I was pushed to the limit and my choices were to 'throw in the towel' or to rethink my strategy.

The dancers also enjoyed the process and my honesty, in that I had no idea what I was now doing but hoped they would 'come along for the ride'.  Both process and product in my view and the view of the 13 dancers was very positive.  For me it is one of the best pieces of dance that I have created and it has given me a sense that although it is more comfortable knowing, sometimes the answer is in not knowing.

I understand (in my limited view, having just begun) that much of this MA is about questioning and exploring, knowing that an answer may never be found.  I hope that I am able to transfer my recent experience to this process. Choreographically and physically I have experience that has allowed me (in that choreographic example) to feel confident(ish) in working and thinking in such a different way.  As I said, I hope I am now able to step back and allow the experiences to dictate my direction rather than trying to force answers or become downhearted because the 'optimum conditions' may not exist.

My understanding from the skype discussion this afternoon is that the optimum conditions rarely exist. Whether its time constraints, student availability or space constraints, an openness to working with what we have, will be paramount  and what we have, may not be our ideal but sometimes 'option B' can work as well A, if not better than option A.

This was a really useful conversation for me, mainly because all of the other students were either on module 2 or 3 and although they were discussing areas that I have not yet come across on the course, the discussion around 'potential ways to approach the course' was insightful.

It was encouraging to hear that my feeling a bit lost and a bit alone at this stage is usual.  Having said that, the conversation yesterday has already helped me to feel part of something and two students have kindly responded to my first post. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tara. Thinking of the whole of the course as well as the module you are on, is a useful way to stop yourself from see the modules as independent of each other. They should build and spiral back on themselves like true rhizomes.
